Programme - day 1
The programme for the first day of the HTHP Symposium 2024 gave the participants keynote speakers as well as individual tracks to choose from.
The programme for the HTHP Symposium 2024 comprises different keynote presentations as well as various presentations from leading experts in the field of high-temperature heat pump systems.
The programme was divided into five different time slots and each time slot consisted of one or more sessions to choose from. At the end of the first day of the HTHP Symposium, the participants had the option to participate in the Symposium dinner.
See the programme for the second day of the symposium: Programme - day 2
Get a clear overview of the complete programme
Here, you can view and download the complete programme for both days of the symposium:
08.00 - 09.30 Registration
Registration, networking and coffee
Room: Reception / Foyer, ground floor
09.30 - 11.00 Welcome session (all)
Session 1-1
Room: Skt. Hans Torv & Nørrebros Runddel, ground floor
Chair: B. Elmegaard, DTU
09.30 - 09.40 Welcome
Brian Elmegaard, DTU
09.40 - 10.10 Keynote: Making thermodynamics great again: high-temperature heat pumps
Jan Rosenow, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
10.10 - 10.40 Keynote: High-Temperature Heat Pumps - Exploiting the potential
Benjamin Zühlsdorf, Danish Technological Institute
10.40 - 11.00 Keynote: A crucial time for energy efficiency
Niels Fuglsang, European Parliament
11.00 - 11.30 COFFEE BREAK
11.30 - 12.30 Individual sessions
Choose between session 1-2A, 1-2B, and 1-2C
Market ramp-up ahead - Joint forces required!
Session 1-2A
Room: Skt. Hans Torv & Nørrebros Runddel, ground floor
Chair: T. Nowak, EHPA
11.30 - 12.30 High-temperature heat pumps are a key technology for sustainable process heating and a massive scaling of the market is required to exploit the potentials. This rapid development does, however, also imply challenges for different parties. End-users need to put their strategy on unmature technologies, technology suppliers need to develop technologies with a yet unclear application potential, and policies need to consider new technologies for an unknown market. This debate will highlight the challenges from different view points and elaborate on strategies to exploit the full potential by joining forces across various disiplines.
Opening statements + discussion
Participants: t.b.c.
Carnot batteries and heat transformers
Session 1-2B
Room: Kødbyen, 2nd floor
Chair: A. Arabkoohsar, DTU
11.30 - 11.50 A comparative techno-economic analysis of high-temperature and sub-ambient
temperature pumped-thermal electricity storage integrated with external heat
Q. Iqbal (IRC), K. Wang (IRC), L. Qiu (IRC)
11.50 - 12.10 Experimental validation of a HTHP integrated into a power-to-heat-to-power concept
based on a PCM storage unit
F. Trebilcock (Technalia), J. L. Corrales-Ciganda (Technalia), M. Johnson (DLR), K. Theologou
(DLR), J. Tombrink (DLR)
12.10 - 12.30 Thermoeconomic analysis of waste heat upgraded steam production in the chemical
industry using Type II absorption heat pumps
J. L. Corrales-Ciganda (Tecnalia), L. Alonso-Ojanguren (Tecnalia)
Applications and evaluation
Session 1-2C
Room: Hovedbanegården, 2nd floor
Chair: O. M. Moen, SINTEF
11.30 - 11.50 CO2-neutral process steam for industry: Model-based analysis of technologies and
N. Nolzen (ETH Zürich), L. Evering (ETH Zürich), C. Schmid (ETH Zürich), A. Bardow (ETH Zürich),
D. Roskosch (ETH Zürich)
11.50 - 12.10 De-carbonization of European Dairy industry - quantifying commercial and
environmental impact of the integration of a very high temperature heat pump ,
G. Westhoff (Friesland Campina), T. Fourie (Friesland Campina), K. Högnabba (Åbo Akadami
University), T. M. Tveit (Olvondo), R. Zevenhoven (Åbo Akadami University), S. Vittor (Olvondo)
12.10 - 12.30 Techno-Economic Analysis of Large-Scale Heat Pump Integration to Assist Sustainable
Water Desalination and District Cooling
N. H.Petersen (RWTH Aachen), M. Arras (Tsinghua University), M.Wirsum (RWTH Aachen),
M. Linwei (Tsinghua University)
12.30 - 13.45 LUNCH
13.45 - 14-45 Individual sessions
Choose between session 1-3A, 1-3B, 1-3C, and 1-3D
Making it happen - Experiences from frontrunners working with HTHPs
Session 1-3A
Room: Skt. Hans Torv, ground floor
Chair: B. Zühlsdorf, Danish Technological Institute
13.45 - 14.45 High-temperature heat pumps are expected to be the preferred heating technology for a variety of end-users. But working with this emerging technology is related to a number of barriers and uncertainties, related to the technology development and the boundary conditions. In this session, early adopters are invited to share their experiences from working with the implementation of the technology. Various examples of role-model initiatives will be shared, serving as inspiration to other end-users on how to master the transition towards HP-based process heat supply.
Opening statements + discussion
Participants: t.b.c.
Technology overview
Session 1-3B
Room: Nørrebros Runddel, ground floor
Chair: C. Arpagaus, OST
13.45 - 14.05 Annex 58 about HTHPs - Technology Review
J. L. Poulsen (DTI), B. Zühlsdorf (DTI), et al. (full author list in Annex 58 Task 1 Report)
14.05 - 14.25 High-temperature heat pump mapping for industrial applications
I. Rangelov (Danfoss), T.Lund (Danfoss)
14.25 - 14.45 Review of High Temperature Heat Pump Compressors and Calculations of their
Working Range
F. Sæther (SINTEF), O. M. Moen (SINTEF), C. Schlemminger (SINTEF)
System configurations with large temperature glide
Session 1-3C
Room: Kødbyen, 2nd floor
Chair: W. Meesenburg, DTU
13.45 - 14.05 High-glide refrigerant mixtures for HTHPs with different temperature changes on the
heat sink and heat source
L. Brendel (OST), M. Wördemann (TU Dresden), S. Bernal (OST), C. Arpagaus (OST),
S. Bertsch (OST)
14.05 - 14.25 Design and off-design performance of a high temperature heat pump with ejector
M. Lauermann (AIT), M. Schieder (AIT), J. Unterluggauer (AIT), V. Sulzgruber (AIT), S. Kling (AIT),
C. Reichl (AIT), T. Ciepiela (Ochsner)
14.25 - 14.45 Rotation Heat Pump - Rotor design for 250°C output temperature
G. Zotter (ECOP), A. Längauer (ECOP), B. Adler (ECOP)
System design and components
Session 1-3D
Room: Hovedbanegården, 2nd floor
Chair: M. H. Christensen, Danish Technological Institute
13.45 - 14.05 An Approach to increase flexibility of HTHP
H. T. de Oliveira (Fraunhofer ISE), S. Benkert (Fraunhofer ISE), U. Wittstadt (Fraunhofer ISE),
S. Henninger (Fraunhofer ISE)
14.05 - 14.25 Heat exchangers for efficient high-temperature heat pumps
J. Müller-Ebhardt (Kelvion), B. de Vries (Kelvion), A. Bani-Kananeh (Kelvion), M. Henningsen
(Kelvion), S. Ziegler (Kelvion)
14.25 - 14.45 Web-based Design Tools for Industrial Heat Pumps
M. Gräber (TLK), A. Marina (TNO), G. Rodriguez (TNO)
14.45 - 15.15 COFFEE BREAK
15.15 - 16.35 Individual sessions
Choose between session 1-4A, 1-4B, 1-4C, and 1-4D
Refrigerants - which is the safer choice?
Session 1-4A
Room: Skt. Hans Torv, ground floor
Chair: P. Nekså, SINTEF
15.15 - 16.35 Natural refrigerants or synthetic refrigerants? This questions divides the heat pump industry and the answer is dependend on a number of aspects, such as economics, safety concepts, environmental impact - and the interpretation and weighting of these factors. This debate will involve key representatives with different viewpoints and clarify the pros and cons for both options based on scientific facts.
Opening statements + discussion
Participants: t.b.c.
Development and demonstration of large-scale systems
Session 1-4B
Room: Nørrebros Runddel, ground floor
Chair: C. S. Poulsen, Danish Technological Institute
15.15 - 15.35 Towards energy-intensive industry decarbonization by generating steam through
Large Scale Heat Pump systems
D. Rizzi (Turboden), E. Pingaro (Turboden)
15.35 - 15.55 Heat Recovery in Chemical Processes – A case study on a very high temperature
heat pump using MVR technology in a EPDM stripping process
O. Ruiz (Piller), S. Kuberczyk (Piller), M. Gu (Sunteco)
15.55 - 16.15 A High Temperature indirect MVR Heat Pump solution for energy recovery with high
COP in a chemical industrial plant
A. Norland (EPCON), C. Gotaas (EPCON)
16.15 - 16.35 MAN Heat Pump Solution for Industrial Steam Production using N-Butane
D. Toebben (MAN), J. Vennemann (MAN), L. Wallscheid (MAN), M. Winkel (MAN)
Development and testing of medium-scale systems
Session 1-4C
Room: Kødbyen, 2nd floor
Chair: S. Henninger, Fraunhofer ISE
15.15 - 15.35 Development and testing of a 500 kW hydrocarbon cascade system for heat supply
up to 150 °C
J. L. Poulsen (DTI), T. Pedersen (DTI), M. P. Andersen (DTU), B. Elmegaard (DTU), C. N. Gade
(Soft & Teknik), B. Zühlsdorf (DTI)
15.35 - 15.55 Demonstration of a full-scale industrial heat pump producing steam above 140 °C
W. de Vries (TNO), S. Smeding (TNO), G. Otero (TNO), K. Verplancke (Mayekawa), S. Spoelstra
15.55 - 16.15 Testing and modelling of a steam-generating heat pump at up to 175 °C
M. P. Andersen (DTU), T. Kaida (CRIEPI), B. Zühlsdorf (DTI), J. K. Jensen (DTU), B. Elmegaard (DTU)
16.15 - 16.35 Steam generating heat pump test bench using n-pentane as refrigerant
S. Benkert (Fraunhofer ISE), U. Wittstadt (Fraunhofer ISE), H. Oliveira (Fraunhofer ISE), L. Joos
(Fraunhofer ISE), T. Klahm (GESMEX), M. Jensen ( Johnson Controls), V. Babych (Johnson
Controls), D. Cortelezzi (Johnson Controls), F. Lindau (Johnson Controls), S. Henninger
(Fraunhofer ISE)
Business models and technology benchmarking
Session 1-4D
Room: Hovedbanegården, 2nd floor
Chair: E. V. Foged, Danish Technological Institute
15.15 - 15.35 Business Models for High-Temperature Heat Pumps
C. Arpagaus (OST), S. Paranjape (OST), S. Nertinger (OST), R. Tietz (OST), S. Bertsch (OST)
15.35 - 15.55 Industrial process heating - hydrogen vs. heat pumps
W. B. Markussen (DTI), B. Zühlsdorf (DTI), B. Elmegaard (DTU)
15.55 - 16.15 Technoeconomic analysis of electrified boiler technologies to decarbonize industrial
A. Salvi (AtmosZero), T. Bandhauer ((AtmosZero, Colorado State University), N. Roberts
(AtmosZero), E. Malloy (Colorado State University), M. Siegel (Colorado State University),
J. Huyett (Colorado State University), D. Joekes (AtmosZero), A. Stark (AtmosZero)
16.15 - 16.35 Unlocking Industrial High Temperature Heat Pumps Opportunities in the U.S.A:
Business Models, Barriers, and Market Adoption
A. Amarnath (EPRI), B. Vairamohan (EPRI)
16.35 - 18.00 Poster session
Choose between session 1-5A and 1-5B
Session 1-5A
Room: Skt. Hans Torv & Nørrebros Runddel, ground floor
- Full-Scale High-Temperature Heat Pump Test Facility
A. Jaatinen-Värri (LUT), A. Uusitalo (LUT), J. Honkatukia (LUT), T. Turunen-Saaresti (LUT) - EU-project solindarity - Solar-driven industrial power and heat upgraded with high-temperature heat pumps for enhanced integrated process efficiency
E. Jende (DLR), P. Stathopoulos (DLR) - Implementation of High Temperature Heat Pumps for heat upgrade and supply of process steam in the industry
R. Paitazoglou (Fraunhofer IEG), A. Hanβke (Fraunhofer IEG), J. Corrales (Tecnalia), L. Alonso (Tecnalia), T. Toppi (Politecnico), G. Abrami (Politecnico) - Pump it Up: Tailored industrial high-temperature heat pumps simulation and optimization
H. Liu (DTU), E. Rattigan (DTU), K. Knobloch (DTU), M. Chen (DTU) - SPIRIT Demo Case 1 - Full-scale on-site demonstration of a cascade industrial heat pump producing steam at 145°C
G. O. Rodriguez (TNO), K. Verplancke (Mayekawa), J. Rauø (Stella Polaris), N. Kumari (TNO), S. Spoelstra (TNO) - SPIRIT Demonstration Case 2 - Integration of heat pump technology in a sugar production plant
V. Amato (DTI), J. L. Poulsen (DTI), E. N. Pedersen (DTI), B. Zühlsdorf (DTI), S. Schultze (GEA), O. Frederich (GEA), B. Aerts (Tiense Suikerraffinaderij), O. Knaepen (Tiense Suikerraffinaderij) - SPIRIT Demo Case 3 - Integration of a high temperature heat pump in a paper mill
M. Kriese (DLR), F. C. Yücel (DLR), N. Kabat (DLR) - Innovative Thermochemical Heat Transformer: A High-Temperature Heat Pump Technology for Efficient Waste Heat Recovery and Heat Upgrading
A. Arabkoohsar (DTU), H. R. Rahbari (DTU) - Development of an Ammonia/Water Absorption Heat Transformer to upgrade low-temperature industrial waste heat
R. Collignon (UGA), H. Demasles (UGA), H. T. Phan (UGA) - Compressor Test Bench Design to investigate the Compression Process for High-Temperature Heat Pumps
A. Halle (RWTH), T. Klebig (RWTH), C. Vering (RWTH) D. Müller (RWTH) - Identification of cost-effective electrification pathways for low-temperature industrial heat in Australia
A. Vecchi (UoM), M. Brear (MEI) - Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pump and Power Cycle Within Carnot Batteries
D. Jayakumar (DTU), M. P. Andersen (DTU), B. Elmegaard (DTU), P. Havil (TotalEnergies), K. S. El Nasser (TotalEnergies)
Session 1-5B
Room: Kødbyen/Enghave Plads & Lounge, 2nd floor
- High-Temperature Heat Pumps: Thermodynamic, Economic and Experimental Perspectives for Enhanced Integration
E. Vieren (UGent), W. Beyne (UGent), T. Demeester (UGent), K. Couvreur (UGent), S. Abbasi (KU leuven), A. Arteconi (KU leuven), M. De Paepe (UGent), S. Lecompte (UGent) - Design options of HTHP technology in comparison to existing industrial boiler systems
M. Wördemann (TU), C. Arpagaus (OST), S. Bertsch (OST), C. Thomas (TU)
- Integration of a steam-generating HTHP in a Swiss meat factory
C. Arpagaus (IES), S. Paranjape (IES), F. Bless (IES), S. Bertsch (IES), C. Jansen (Spiess) - Enhancing high-temperature heat pump efficiency with zeotropic refrigerant mixtures: Potential and sensitivity towards process conditions
P. Widmaier (ETH Zurich), A. Bardow (ETH Zurich), D. Roskosch (ETH Zurich) - Study on Industrial Steam Generation by Transcritical Heat Pumps
A. Zhao (TU Delft), R. Pecnik (TU Delft), J. Peeters (TU Delft) - The application potential of reversible high-temperature heat pumps / ORCs within flexible geothermal energy systems
C. Schifflechner (TUM), F. Kaufmann (TUM), H. Spliethoff (TUM) - Analysis of different high temperature heat pump cycles for industrial applications where district heat is used as heat source
G. Zotter (ECOP), A. Längauer (ECOP), B. Adler (ECOP) - Analysis of a high temperature heat pump integration in an amine-based CO2 capture process
M. Bless (SINTEF), C. Schlemminger (SINTEF), A. S. Garcia (SINTEF), A. Chikukwa (SINTEF), T. Mejdell (SINTEF) - Selection for the use of an axial or centrifugal compressor in a hightemperature heat pump according to the Cordier diagram
B. Kajasa (DLR), M. Lockan (DLR), P. Stathopoulos (DLR) - High-temperature heat pump for process industries: potential of inverse Brayton cycle
A. Patti (UNIG), S. Barberis (UNIG), A. Sorce (UNIG), A. Traverso (UNIG) - Improved COP Estimation Formula for High-Temperature Heat Pumps
J. K. Jensen (DTU), R. Padullés (DTU), M. P. Andersen (DTU)
19.00 - 22.00 Symposium Dinner
Room: Restaurant, 3rd floor
19.00 - 22.00 Symposium dinner at DGI Byen