HTHP Symposium 2017
The first High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium was held on 11 September 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
On 11 September 2017, a broad audience ranging from manufacturers, system suppliers, industrial users, consultants, research institutes, and academia were invited to the first Symposium on High Temperature Heat Pumps in Copenhagen. The symposium consisted of 18 talks and a final panel discussion. The talks were divided in four sessions focusing on:
- Market Potential - Developments - Challenges
- Research and Development Projects
- Heat pump developments - Market ready products
- Case studies including realized projects
The panelists of the final panel discussion presented their suggestions on measures that will will enhance the utilization of high temperature heat pumps in the industry and from that, the following conclusions were drawn:
- Heat pumps are required for combating climate change
- Avoid wasting excess energy from industry by use of heat recovery
- Technical innovations for achieving lower specific investment costs should be achieved
- Equalize boundary conditions for heat pumps and other technologies
- Broader collaboration and interaction between technology developers and end-users will be beneficial
- Calculation tools may be useful for communicating the potentials to potential users
- Demonstration projects involving all parties including end-users, consultants, manufacturers as well as R&D can constitute a good opportunity to realize the before-mentioned suggestions